+33634577041 contact@virtoa.com


Project Management


The first step of our job is to identify the existing processes in the project. We check if they match with your project and only then we start evaluating your goals. After that we start setting the new objectives using the S.M.A.R.T and C.L.E.A.R. methods and use them to find out what is the linked value chain.

Strategic Planning

VIRTOA’s team can help you with brainstorming ideas, separating tasks and creating a roadmap that would simplify the whole process of your project. These steps will help us to create a clear vision of the strategic planning for your project. When we are building a project we are mainly focusing on the optimisation, the efficiency and the flexibility of every process that is included.


After planning and organising the processes, we finalise and execute the idea. Our team will activate every tool to follow the execution of the project. When launching, we are going to secure and verify the project so that every possible risk is avoided and that every task and schedule is followed by plan.

Monitoring & Controlling

In this part of the project our team is going to monitor and control the development of the project. During the maintenance we will use a great variety of tools, systems and platforms to give you an exact idea of the final results. This is how we will have a vision if the taken decisions are effective and if they are giving the expected and wanted results.


We develop projects that have a closure date – after executing the project we can directly see and analyse the final results. However, some of our projects that we work on, do not have a closure part but instead of that they continue to grow. No matter what type of project you have, VIRTOA’s experienced team would always help you with finalising your dream vision.


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